IP Address and Domain Name Geolocation Lookup Tool

Continent Code AS
Continent Name Asia
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) HK
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) HKG
Country Name Hong Kong
Country Flag country__flag
Country Capital Hong Kong
State/Province Hong Kong SAR
District/County Central and Western District
City Hong Kong
Zip Code
Latitude & Longitude of City 22.27830 , 114.16039
Geoname ID 6951522
Is EU? false
Calling Code +852
Country TLD .hk
Languages zh-HK,yue,zh,en
ISP Zhengzhou NiPaiYi network of science and Technology Co., Ltd.
Connection Type
Organization Shanghai Anchang Network Security Technology Co.,Ltd.
AS Number AS58879
Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Currency Code HKD
Currency Symbol HK$
Timezone Asia/Hong_Kong
Timezone Offset 8
Current Time 2025-03-27 05:11:34.266+0800
Current Time Unix 1.743023494266E9
Is DST? false
DST Savings 0

Try our free IP Geolocation API

$ curl https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?ip=
"continent_code": AS
"continent_name": Asia
"country_code2": HK
"country_code3": HKG
"country_name": Hong Kong
"country_capital": Hong Kong
"state_prov": Hong Kong SAR
"district": Central and Western District
"city": Hong Kong
"latitude": 22.27830
"longitude": 114.16039
"is_eu": false
"calling_code": +852
"country_tld": .hk
"languages": zh-HK,yue,zh,en
"country_flag": https://ipgeolocation.io/static/flags/hk_64.png
"isp": Zhengzhou NiPaiYi network of science and Technology Co., Ltd.
"organization": Shanghai Anchang Network Security Technology Co.,Ltd.
"asn": AS58879
"geoname_id": 6951522
"currency": {
"name": Hong Kong Dollar
"code": HKD
"symbol": HK$
"time_zone": {
"offset": 8
"current_time": 2025-03-27 05:11:34.266+0800
"current_time_unix": 1.743023494266E9
"is_dst": false
"dst_savings": 0

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