IP Address and Domain Name Geolocation Lookup Tool

Hostname int0.client.access.fanaptelecom.net
Continent Code AS
Continent Name Asia
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) IR
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) IRN
Country Name Iran
Country Flag country__flag
Country Capital Tehran
State/Province Tehran
District/County Tehran
City Tehran
Zip Code 15498-45983
Latitude & Longitude of City 35.75996 , 51.43163
Geoname ID 137107
Is EU? false
Calling Code +98
Country TLD .ir
Languages fa-IR,ku
ISP FANAPTELECOM Whole customers network address space assignment
Connection Type
Organization Toseh Fanavari Ertebabat Pasargad Arian Co. PJS
AS Number AS24631
Currency Iranian Rial
Currency Code IRR
Currency Symbol
Timezone Asia/Tehran
Timezone Offset 3.5
Current Time 2025-03-02 14:12:42.522+0330
Current Time Unix 1.740912162522E9
Is DST? false
DST Savings 0

Try our free IP Geolocation API

$ curl https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?ip=
"hostname": int0.client.access.fanaptelecom.net
"continent_code": AS
"continent_name": Asia
"country_code2": IR
"country_code3": IRN
"country_name": Iran
"country_capital": Tehran
"state_prov": Tehran
"district": Tehran
"city": Tehran
"zipcode": 15498-45983
"latitude": 35.75996
"longitude": 51.43163
"is_eu": false
"calling_code": +98
"country_tld": .ir
"languages": fa-IR,ku
"country_flag": https://ipgeolocation.io/static/flags/ir_64.png
"isp": FANAPTELECOM Whole customers network address space assignment
"organization": Toseh Fanavari Ertebabat Pasargad Arian Co. PJS
"asn": AS24631
"geoname_id": 137107
"currency": {
"name": Iranian Rial
"code": IRR
"time_zone": {
"offset": 3.5
"current_time": 2025-03-02 14:12:42.522+0330
"current_time_unix": 1.740912162522E9
"is_dst": false
"dst_savings": 0

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